Family Portrait

A Family Portrait on Lake Quinsigamond

A Family Portrait on Lake Quinsigamond

Family sessions come out the best when they take place at a location familiar with the family. What better place to have a family session than your own backyard? If you happen live on the shores of the beautiful Lake Quinsigamond in Shrewsbury then that’s just a giant cherry on top! Check out some photos from the Meyer family’s family session at Lake Quinsigamond.

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The Armstrongs: A Family Portrait Session

The Armstrongs: A Family Portrait Session

Families and fields belong together in family portraits. Check out some rustic family photos of my annoying little sister and her pretty cool family from the Rauscher Farm in Clinton, MA.

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Front Porch Sessions: Photos for a Cause

Front Porch Sessions: Photos for a Cause

For the past few months, a lot of the family sessions that I have photographed in Central MA have been charity driven. Through these front porch sessions, I was able to donate directly to the community of Worcester to support those hit hardest by the pandemic. I am currently shooting these same home-based mini sessions to support Color of Change, a charity dedicated to raising awareness and holding those with influence responsible for racial injustice. Your session fee is donated directly and you will come away with some fun photos. Check it out!

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Hopkinton State Park: A Family Session

Hopkinton State Park: A Family Session

Hopkinton State Park is a great place to hang out during the summer- it’s beach is accessible and there are plenty of picnic spots. It’s also a great spot for fall family portrait sessions. Add in one of my favorite families to photograph and it’s an easy day at the office.

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A Family Portrait for a Cause

A Family Portrait for a Cause

Every year I donate sessions to help charities and non-profits raise money. Last year I donated a family session to The Pittie Stop Rescue, a volunteer-run group dedicated to finding homes and raising awareness for a breed of dogs that often gets a bad rap. Check out this fall family session and learn more about an awesome group!

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A Lifestyle Family Session in Shrewsbury

A Lifestyle Family Session in Shrewsbury

I love shooting lifestyle family sessions. These sessions allow a family to be photographed in the environment that makes them feel the most comfortable- their home. Lifestyle sessions bring out natural smiles and real laughs over heavy posing and that awkward “I’m being photographed” feeling shrinks. Check out this lifestyle family session that I shot in Shrewsbury, MA.

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The Armstrongs: A Winter Family Portrait

The Armstrongs: A Winter Family Portrait

Last weekend was freezing. I woke up on Sunday morning thinking that it was supposed to be unseasonably warm and it wasn’t. It felt exactly like December in New England should feel. Add in the insane wind and it felt downright miserable. Conveniently enough, Sunday was the only day that was possible to photograph my sister, brother-in-law, and their two kids.

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